We are a Community Supported farm. in turn we must support
our community.
There are various ways to be involved in the farm and we appreciate however you may want to be.
Farm Membership
Our goal as a small farm is to remain relevant in the community as a source of food but also as inspiration, information, and gathering space.
Memberships are a way to support the farm and our community engagement goals.
--Access to 4 concerts at the farm
--Membership Meal
--5% discount on all orders
--Lively Farm *swag*

Community interest and need are what make a farm like ours work. CSA Shares are an exchange or agreement between farmer and farm customer to provide and be provided with fresh produce during the duration of the growing season.
Shares are distributed weekly-- full season for 18 weeks or 6 weeks at a time --and fulfill the bounty from the garden for that full duration. Hitting on the seasonal delight of all the various fruits and veggies we love so much. Flower shares are also available, as the beauty of fresh flowers can not be beat and a staple on our farm.

Supporting community members facing food insecurity is a big goal of our farming endeavor. We believe in feeding people and adding opportunities for well-being through access to good food. CSS Shares are an opportunity for folks with the means to contribute to our effort to make food from our farm available to community members with less or no access.
**If you have a need and are interested in produce from our farm do not hesitate to reach out. We also accept food assistance program vouchers at our market sites.

Specialty Floral arrangement

Professional floral arrangement is a special skill we are thrilled to share with our community! Among our agricultural passion we also bloom in excitement with the opportunity to craft beautiful pieces to adorn special occasions.
If you are curious about local flowers for your special occasion (weddings, anniversaries, pool parties, memorials, you name it) we would love to talk with you and make your dreams come true!
We Bring Your Vision to Flower